School bell ringing ceremony

School bell ringing ceremony

The bell ringing ceremony of Ahmad Shah Faqiri private educational institution (charity) is celebrated every year at the beginning of the academic year in the presence of high-ranking government and sector officials in a grand conference.
This magnificent convention with the speeches of government officials, the performance of various songs by the song group of this educational institution and the performance of theater about science and knowledge, in order to create joy and happiness among the students of this educational institution and motivate them to enter the new academic year.
Faqiri Private Educational Institution is one of the few schools in Afghanistan where the governor and local sector officials, including the head of education, attend the school bell ringing ceremony with pride and interest.
Faqiri private educational institution (charity) although it has no government budget and does not charge students an entrance fee, but it displays the best and most magnificent ceremonies, especially the school bell ringing ceremony, to encourage and motivate the students of this educational institution.