Charity High School

Education for all
His excellency Ahmad Shah Faqiri, the supporter of Afghanistan’s education, from the very beginning focused heavily on the education and upbringing of the children of this land and always tried to do fundamental and benevolent works for the country’s education.
Therefore, within the framework of the charity foundation, in the field of building schools, renovating classrooms, distributing tents, and giving stationery to the needy schools of the country, they did their best for the children of education in this country. But since his heart always beats for the excellence of the position and capacity of the children of this country,
In one Wisely decision and for the common good, they created a private charitable school in 2019 so that the poor children of this country can learn lessons and education with ease and away from financial problems.
In this school, everything from school clothes and bags to books and stationery is available to students for free up to the twelfth grade.
At the same time, taking into account that Mr. Faqiri’s greatest focus is on the women of the society in order to fertilize their capacities and improve their living conditions.
All the students of this educational institution are from female class and the director, head teacher, administrative staff and teachers of this educational institution are all female class. Ahmad Shah Faqiri private educational institution (charity) according to the capacity of each class and complying with the international standards of a model school, took an entrance exam from the underprivileged students who were registered until, in addition to being deserving, the principle of merit and meritocracy should be considered in the recruitment of students, which fortunately, this educational institution was able to form and start teaching from the first to the tenth grade according to the two principles of deserving and being worthy in the first year of its activity.
It should be noted that the teachers of this educational institution are all experienced, committed and have bachelor’s degrees, who were selected from among 200 to 250 applicants for teaching positions based on a transparent and standardized process.
It should be noted that educational seminars are always held for the selected teachers of this educational institution in order to strengthen their skills and improve their teaching capacity.
Also, for the teachers and students of this educational institution, uniforms are provided free of charge, and for the students of this educational institution, all teaching facilities, including bags, books, and stationery, are provided free of charge.
In addition, for the high school classes of this educational institution, special measures and effective entrance exam classes have been considered so that, God willing, in the very first year of graduation from this educational institution, we will see the students of this educational institution find their way to high grades in the entrance examination.
On the other hand, special educational and training conditions have been determined and considered for this institution with international criteria and standards, so that at the end of each month, both teachers and students are evaluated.
For the basic classes of this educational institution (first class to third class) very experienced and expert teachers have been considered, all of whom have attended numerous seminars on new teaching methods.
Also, for the students of this educational institution, a well-equipped classroom with a laboratory, computer, library, game life, a completely beautiful and standard environment has been considered so that they can work efficiently in the direction of learning and education.
It is worth mentioning that the students who graduated from this educational institution will be covered by the financial support of Honorable Mr. Ahmadshah Faqiri in the bachelor and master degrees if needed.

Activities of the education department

Supporting the education sector

Mr. Faqiri, the supporter of Afghanistan’s education, from the very beginning focused heavily on the education and upbringing of the children of this land and always tried to do fundamental and benevolent works for the country’s education. give Therefore, within the framework of the charity foundation, in the field of building schools, renovating classrooms, distributing […]

Standard Library

The library is the result of the first big book festival and the people Mr. Faqiri, considering that he is a culture-loving and studious personality, and with the understanding that today’s youth are more interested in other matters than reading and studying, which are detrimental to the interests of the youth. In order to encourage […]

The national movement to strengthen the reading culture

The national movement to strengthen the reading culture was launched during the campaign under the title of the Great Festival of Books and People in order to strengthen the reading culture, which was launched on the initiative of the Faqiri Charity Foundation on 25 June 2019, and it was met with enthusiastic reception from different […]

The Great Book and People Festival

is the foundation of the national movement to strengthen the reading culture. Honorable Mr. Faqiri, along with his commercial and public affairs in the educational, health and food sectors, has launched constructive and fundamental programs for the development and improvement of the culture of the people of his community. One of the prominent examples of […]

The closing ceremony of the educational year

Ahmad Shah Faqiri private educational institution (charity) in order to honor the effective efforts of its teachers and students, organizes the closing ceremony of the academic year every year. The grand ceremony is accompanied by a speech, a song performance, a theater performance, and the awarding of certificates and gifts to the hardworking teachers and […]

The celebration of the alphabet and the celebration of the task

The celebration of the alphabet and the celebration of the task (preparation for worship) of the students of the private educational institution (charity) Ahmad Shah Faqiri was held in the convention hall of this complex. We returned home with hope and future and thanks to this divine gift for the students who passed the first […]

Winter Remedial Classes

In order to strengthen the educational level of the students and prepare students as much as possible for the next academic year, Ahmad Shah Faqiri Private Educational Institution (charity) organizes remedial classes in the winter season and students can, as in the course of the academic year, Subscribe to these classes for free. Winter season […]

Monthly Exams

Ahmad Shah Faqiri Private Educational Institution (Charity) organizes monthly exams based on modern teaching methods to evaluate the educational and training process of students. Based on these exams The ups and downs of the process of learning courses by certain students and those students who do not get standard grades are specified and emphasis is […]

Honoring Mother’s Day Every year

Ahmadshah Faqiri private educational institution (charity) celebrates the blessed Mother’s Day and presents gifts to a group of mothers of the students of this educational institution. Celebrating Mother’s Day in schools evokes the mentality of honoring the dignity of the mother, respect and love for the mother, as well as obeying the instructions of the […]

Celebrating International Teacher’s Day

Private educational institution (charity) Ahmadshah Faqiri celebrates Teacher’s Day every year by honoring the position of teachers in a grand ceremony.